What is Plain language

Leichte Sprache

Accessibility in the media doesn’t just encompass subtitles and audio description. It also includes converting texts into ‘plain language.’    Plain language is a greatly reduced language variety. The objective of plain language is to ensure the comprehension of a text, by greatly simplifying grammatical structures as well as wording. Thus, in plain language subordinate […]

Subtitles for your films

Untertitel für ihre Filme

Subtitles for films, documentaries, and other work have to be easy to understand and read so that viewers can comprehensively understand the cinematic work – without viewing enjoyment falling short in the process. We’re happy to support you in providing the appropriate subtitles for your project. We keep the specifics of your film project in […]

Subtitling and audio description as the main components of accessible film versions

Hauptbestandteile einer barrierefreien Filmfassung

A good 16 million people in Germany need subtitles or Audio description. Quite the target group, which has nevertheless, hardly been perceived in recent decades. These are people with impaired hearing and vision and their numbers are growing. On the one hand, because we are getting older and older and so our auditory ability and […]

Audio description using synthetic voices – a modern alternative

Audiodeskriptionen mit synthetischen Stimmen

There are an estimated 1.2 million people living with blindness or visual impairments in Germany. Among other things, accessibility to film is one challenge in enabling their participation in social life. This goal can be realized by means of audio description, as well as the more modern method of synthetic voice audio description.Audio description specifically […]

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